H.E Mark Rutte
Prime Minister, The Netherlands
Mark Webber is Professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham and Chair (2019–2020) of the British International Studies Association (BISA). He is co-author (with James Sperling and Martin Smith) of NATO’s Post-Cold-War Trajectory: Decline or Regeneration? (Palgrave, 2012) and co-editor (with Adrian Hyde-Price) of Theorising NATO: New
Perspectives on the Transatlantic Alliance (Routledge, 2016). He is currently working on a book entitled What’s Wrong with NATO and How to Fix It (Polity Press) and is co-editing (with James Sperling) the Oxford Handbook on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Mark is the academic lead for the BISA/Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Model NATO held in London the day before NATO Engages.

Participating in session:
NATO Adapts: A Natural Disaster Crisis Simulation by Model NATO Students